Eketsa li-export tsa e-commerce tse tšelang meeli

Eketsa li-export tsa e-commerce tse tšelang meeli

Bakeng sa ho fihlela litlhoko tsa tšebeliso ea 'maraka oa machabeng, khoebo ea China e tšelang meeli ea e-commerce e ntse e tsoela pele ho hola butle. Karolong ea pele ea selemo sena, khoebo ea marang-rang e tšelang moeli e bile karolo ea 7.8% ea thepa e romelloang kantle ho naha, e tsamaisang kholo ea ho romelloa kantle ho naha ka ntlha e fetang 1%. Likhoebo tsa e-commerce tse tšelang meeli li sebetsa, 'me marang-rang a litšebeletso a akaretsa linaha le libaka tse fetang 200. Leha ho le joalo, ba ntse ba tobana le mathata le liphephetso tse kang tlhoko ea ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba bona, ho holisa mecha ea bona ea lichelete, le ho ntlafatsa le ho feta tikoloho ea taolo le litšebeletso. Boemong bona, Lekala la Khoebo, hammoho le mafapha a amehang, le ile la etsa lipatlisiso tse khethehileng, 'me la theha maikutlo a ipapisitseng le litlhoko tsa indasteri le likhoebo.


Maikutlo a kenyelletsa mehato e 15 likarolong tse hlano:


Hlaolela likhoebo tse fetang moeling oa e-commerce. Ho tsepamisitse maikutlo holim'a kaho ea matla a likhoebo, ho ts'ehetsa khoebo ea marang-rang ho pholletsa le meeli ho matlafatsa nts'etsopele ea indasteri, ho ts'ehetsa likhoebo ka "lipontšo tsa ho alima ho ea mose", ho matlafatsa kaho ea mekhatlo ea indasteri le temo ea litalenta, le ho tsoela pele ho khothaletsa kaho ea mabitso.


Eketsa tšehetso ea lichelete. Mekhoa e metle ea lichelete bakeng sa likhoebo tsa e-commerce tse tšelang meeli, ho ntlafatsa lits'ebeletso tsa phepelo ea lichelete tse tšelang meeli, ho khothaletsa liketane tsa phepelo ea e-commerce ho fokotsa litšenyehelo le ho eketsa ts'ebetso, le ho thusa likhoebo tsa lichelete.


Ho matlafatsa kaho ea mekhoa ea motheo e amehang le tsamaiso ea thepa. Khothaletsa nts'etsopele ea maemo a holimo ea matlo a polokelo ea mose ho maoatle, ho matlafatsa bokhoni ba ts'ireletso ea thepa, ho thusa likhoebo tse amanang le khoebo ea marang-rang ho "tsamaea lefatšeng ka bophara" le ho kopanya motheo oa nts'etsopele.


Ntlafatsa taolo ea kantle ho meeli ea khoebo ea e-commerce, ho ntlafatsa taolo ea data e tšelang meeli le boemo ba lits'ebeletso, le ho theha tikoloho e ntle.


Ho potlakisa kaho ea litekanyetso lefapheng la khoebo ea marang-rang e tšelang meeli, ho ntlafatsa boemo ba khoebo, ho tsoela pele ho tebisa lipuisano le tšebelisano ea machaba, le ho arolelana sephetho sa nts'etsopele le linaha tse amehang.


E le mohato o latelang, Lekala la Khoebo le itse le tla sebetsa le mafapha le likarolo tse amehang ho tsamaisa lipontšo tsa bohlokoa joalo ka Canton Fair le Digital Trade Fair, ho ts'ehetsa ntlafatso ea lipontšo tse seng li ntse li le teng tsa e-commerce tsa lehae ho latela mebaraka- metheo e tsepamisitsoeng, le ho khothaletsa ntlafatso e tsoelang pele ea mesebetsi ea sethala sa thepa e bohlale mose ho maoatle ho fa likhoebo lipolanete tse ngata tsa ho bonts'a le ho emisa.


China, bakeng sa lefatše

Joaloka moetsi ea nang le boiphihlelo bo pharaletseng ba indasteri, TouchDisplays e hlahisa litharollo tse felletseng tsa ho ama. E thehiloe ka 2009, TouchDisplays e holisa khoebo ea eona ea lefats'e ka bophara ho tsa tlhahisoLisebelisoa tsa POS,Interactive Digital Signage,Touch Monitor, leInteractive Electronic Whiteboard.

Ka sehlopha sa profeshenale sa R&D, khamphani e ikemiselitse ho fana le ho ntlafatsa litharollo tse khotsofatsang tsa ODM le OEM, ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa maemo a pele le lits'ebeletso tsa ho hlophisa lihlahisoa.

Tšepa TouchDisplays, theha lebitso la hau le holimo!


Iteanye le rona

Email: info@touchdisplays-tech.com

Nomoro ea Khokahano: +86 13980949460 (Skype/ WhatsApp/ Wechat)


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Nako ea poso: Jun-27-2024

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